Friday, December 13, 2013

Proud Mama Moment

My youngest has gone off to her Year 10 Formal tonight, made more poignant for her as she leaves that school next week and is off to a new school for the next two years.

She is a great lover of 50s retro looks in fashion and hair and you can see this influence in her outfit. She picked this gorgeous dress (which is a bit more vivid IRL than it is in my photos) and I chose the red accessories which give it a real Wow!

Hmmm, we would see the shoes a lot better if DH had cut the grass!

Classic 50s pose!

Big sister was sad not to be here in person so we Skyped her on my iPhone and she wanted a photo taken together!

My baby looks so grown up and gorgeous! Sniff, sniff!

Meanwhile, I have finally gotten started on my family Christmas cards, so there might be some craft to show you before too long. But I've still got to get my craft room ready to be invaded when DD21 comes home next week! Aaargh!

Thanks for calling in.



  1. I'd forgotten how good red and yellow look together. Your daughter looks fabulous in yellow and the retro looks suits here. How great that she has the confidence to wear her own style.Perhaps a card in red red and yellow is in order to celebrate ??

  2. Great dress. I grew up in the 50's and love everything about this look. Hope they play some 50's music. It is the best. The red and yellow are good together and I love her hair. Hope she has a great time at the dance. Loved your tags from your last post too.

  3. OMG she looks so gorgeous. Love the photo of both girls. Colours are just her

  4. Beautiful!! I love her 50's pose!!


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