Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Being With You

Phew! It's 36 degrees C here today - I've just had a dip in the pool and am sitting in my togs (swimmers) and towel enjoying being wet and cool for a while. I have no doubt at all that I'll have another dip before bedtime!

DD21 is melting in 41 degree heat down in Melbourne, while DD15 is no doubt enjoying her much more manageable 13 degree day in London! Not sure who's got the best of it!!! lol

Luckily I spent the afternoon in an air conditioned room showing one of my lovely ladies (and her helpful DH) the basics of MDS. As part of my preparation I created a simple scrapbook layout so I thought I may as well show it to you.

This layout covers basic techniques of:

  • adding designer paper as a background
  • adding designer paper as a page layer
  • adding and resizing embellishments 
  • inserting, positioning and matting photos
  • adding a punch
  • using paper fill in a punched shape
  • adding a stamp
  • grouping elements together
  • saving and printing

I do find MDS pretty easy to get to know and have used it a number of times to make hybrid cards in class, which always impresses my lovely ladies! 

Hope it's not too hot (or too cold) where you are! Thanks for calling in.


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