Saturday, October 12, 2013

Cuteness Factor 10!

Quite a few of my lovely ladies are doggie people so when I saw the die I have used on the first of this month's Christmas stamp-a-stack cards, I knew I HAD to have it! My thoughts immediately went to one of the sentiments from the Christmas Messages set and voila! our card was born.

Warning though: just make sure there are no little people around who have been asking for a puppy, cos if they see this you are NEVER going to get any peace!

Materials used:
  • stamps - Christmas Messages
  • card - cherry cobbler, creamy caramel, garden green, basic black, whisper white
  • other - dimensionals, sponge daubers
  • non SU - Cottage Cutz Santa Puppy die set

OH MY GOODNESS! don't those eyes just make you want to melt? Cuteness factor 10!!!!!

Our second card is a vintage-y sepia toned card with a dash of red (cherry cobbler of course!) using a couple of new goodies from the holiday catalogue. The tag was made in MDS and cut by hand. Take a lookie:

Materials used:
  • stamps - music wheel, Santa's List, Free for you from us (MDS)
  • card - very vanilla, cherry cobbler, soft suede, confetti cream
  • other - cherry cobbler stitched edge grosgrain ribbon, cherry cobbler bakers twine, dimensionals, distressing tool, sponge dauber, 1/16" circle punch

This is the last of our Christmas card stamp-a-stacks and I will miss them - they do put me in the Christmas mood! 

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Kez, I love both of these....the wee doggie is delish and Santa well....ho-ho-ho darl. Beautiful job n all of them. ooxx

  2. Omg....I need that puppy die! He's waaaaaay too cute!


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