So I've been having a play with lots of new schtuff and here are the cards we made in class yesterday - which, coincidentally, all feature flowers.
First up is new set Dandelion wishes and new colour Balmy Blue. This was cased from Monica Gale, who I think used the Bokeh stamp but as I haven't got that, I did the Bokeh the old fashioned way. I stamped the flower and sentiment with black craft ink and clear embossed (you could also stamp with Versamark and use black embossing powder, but I didn't have any at the time. I've fixed that now.) so I could sponge over the top. Post it notes were used to mask a portion of my white card, I sponged with balmy blue then with whisper white using my Bokeh template. Don't have a Bokeh template? Just punch a mixture of circle punches on a piece of firm acetate and voila!
Materials used:
- stamps - Dandelion Wishes
- card - smoky slate, balmy blue, whisper white
- other - post it notes, sponges, circle punches, clear embossing powder, heat tool, Stamparatus
Our second card is another 'get well soon' type, this time using new set Healing Hugs, which is one of the new DisINKtive type stamp sets. These are deeply etched at different levels into the rubber, creating depth without having to 2-step. This one was inspired by a creation by Lynn Hoyt.
Materials used:
- stamps - Healing Hugs
- card - grey granite, lovely lipstick, whisper white
- other - embossing paste, Pattern Party decorative masks, palette knife, Dimensionals
And lastly another case, this time from one of the Artisan Design Team members but I don't remember who! When I find their name, I'll come back and add it. They had used a different sentiment and also sponged an ombre effect in the background, but I chose to just use plain card. Varied Vases is the new stamp set (which I borrowed from my friend Robyn, along with the matching punch) and two returning colours are featured - coastal cabana and poppy parade, along with new colour grey granite. I'm rather liking this new colour, it's a great mix between grey and brown.
Materials used:
- stamps - Varied Vases
- card - grey granite, coastal cabana, basic black, whisper white, Delightfully Detailed laser-cut DSP
- other - embossing buddy, white embossing powder, heat tool, Stamparatus, Dimensionals, Big Shot, pinewood planks embossing folder, water spritzer, vase builder punch
All the fussy cutting on this one should keep my ladies busy - and quiet! LOL!
Thanks for stopping by.
wow, where does one start? They are all such gorgeous cards and all so different. I really like the dandelion one, the bokeh rectangle in the middle of the card is stunning. Yes that is my favourite.