Saturday, August 11, 2018

Thankful, Blessed and a Wee Bit Red-faced

Thank you so much to everyone who left comments on my last post, I really appreciate them. After receiving an email from Phyllis, who was having trouble leaving remarks, I went in to my blogspot settings.

Now, years ago I set up my settings to notify me of comments (via email) for verification, after a rash of spam comments cropped up. I haven't ever changed those settings and I did used to receive emails each and every time someone left a comment, which I would then publish.

However, I discovered today that for some unknown reason I have not been receiving those notifications and there were a flurry of unpublished comments waiting for me! So, to those of you who have attempted to leave a kind word or two, I humbly apologise. Hopefully you'll now see that those are now visible. If you still have trouble, please send me an email (the link is over on the right) to let me know so I can investigate what's going on! And thanks to Phyllis for alerting me to the problem.

That said, I kept my word and did a round of comment-leaving myself, even following links from cards I've pinned from Pinterest and leaving some love for those creative folks who put their beautiful cards out there for us to see. I'll endeavour to keep making that small contact with people who inspire me with their ingenuity and encourage you to do the same, knowing from experience how much a kind word can inspire and enthuse - as well, of course, as simply making you feel good.

I've got more lovely cards to show you but it's too late in the day now for photography, so that will have to wait, probably until Monday as I have a class tomorrow. Hope to welcome you back then - and don't forget the new buttons you can click on for a quick and painless way to leave feedback.

Thanks for dropping in.



  1. I used to get comment flags in my email and no longer do. Many bloggers have said if you leave yourself a comment on each posting, they should come back. Just a thought for you. Thanks for coming by my blog too.

  2. I had noticed that comments didn't seem to post, but thought I was doing something wrong or that they posted later. When I read your post, I realized maybe it wasn't me, so I'm glad I found your email to let you know. I also admit that I do not take the time to comment like I should, so your post was a good reminder to do that!


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving a comment; your feedback is much appreciated.