Saturday, December 30, 2023


Well, here we are at the end of another year - the last four have certainly been rollercoasters, haven't they? The most exciting happening of my 2023 was becoming a nana for the first time, which continues to be a source of great joy, as those of you who have been through the experience will appreciate. 

I thought it might be fun to look back through all I've created this year and pick 12 favourites. They're not necessarily one from each month, but are those that automatically bring a smile to my face. Here they are in no particular order:


I can't wait for another year of crafting and look forward to sharing that with you. Thanks for calling in, particularly if you do it on a regular basis, and especial thanks to those who leave comments, it definitely does give me encouragement to carry on.

Best wishes for 2024 - may it bring you much happiness, crafty and otherwise.


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