Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Blog Awards

I have received my very first blog awards and I am so touched. They were given to me by the incredibly talented Cheryl Joshua - thank you so much for thinking of me Cheryl, I am honoured. If you aren't already a regular visitor to Cheryl's blog, check it out here, she does fabulous work and you will love seeing it.

Deciding who to pass these awards on to was a difficult one, as there are so many incredible blogs that I visit that inspire me continually. Finally I thought I'd begin with the blogs that I visit on a daily (or next to daily) basis; the ones I just can't wait to look at to see what they have come up with, and whose work I so often save to CASE at my leisure (although I don't always get round to that part!). So here goes:

Thanks for stopping by today. I should have cards to show tomorrow, if all goes according to plan!




Liam said...

Congrats on receiving your first blog awards. How exciting. What a great award. Thank you so much for thinking of me. You deserve this award you do such amazing work especially those watercolour samples and the brayer samples

thanks again.


Lynda said...

Sincere congrats on ur first (very well deserved) blog awards. You are inspirational, creative and just an all round darn sweet lass!!!

Marelle Taylor said...

Very well deserved awards. I often pop by here for inspiration (and a chuckle or two!) Your blog always brightens my day :o)
Thanks for thinking of me Kerry!