Friday, September 18, 2015

Goodbye Forever

Yesterday was one of those very bittersweet days, both a celebration and a poignant moment. My younger daughter graduated from high school - thus ending 19 years of having children at school. Of course I'm pleased and proud for her, but also - as other mums will know and understand - it means that soon she will be off making her own way in the world and that means leaving home. I am most decidedly NOT looking forward to that day.

Anyway, her school did a big ceremony and as she has been attending a Senior High School for the past two years, there were 436 people graduating! Yikes! Mind you, having sat through two university graduation ceremonies for our elder daughter, we've gotten used to that a little and wisely took a cushion along for the duration.

Here's a photo of her after the ceremony with her cap and gown.

Thanks for calling in.


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