Tuesday, December 26, 2023


Happy Boxing Day! I had a wonderful Christmas Day and Christmas Eve with family and hope you did too. Ate too much, of course, so moving very slowly today, lol. But the good news is plenty of leftover ham for sammies!

One gift I handmade this year is some decoupage ornaments - I don't have pics of the ones I gave away, but I do have pics of the one I made for myself along the same lines. 

The focal image is rice paper and I tried for a vintage/antique look to the painted background. Here's a better look at that:

I watched quite a few YouTube videos beforehand then just went for it, using rice paper and distress paints on my 'flat-sided' baubles. There's about 3 coats of varnish over everything to seal and protect. The little metal topper got some paint too, as it was silver to begin with, and I replaced the silver cord it came with with gold. It was a lot of fun and I'm really keen to make more for next year, so I'll be on the hunt for some lovely rice paper images to use. 

The 'flat-sided' baubles (I'm using inverted commas because they're not completely flat, there is still some curve) were bought on eBay - because my rice paper image was 8cm in diameter, I bought the 10cm baubles, but they do come in two smaller sizes. 

Materials used:
  • rice paper - Christmas Greetings Rounds (Stamperia)
  • baubles - eBay
  • distress paints - aged mahogany, tarnished brass
  • other - white gesso, sponge applicators, paintbrush, clear varnish, distress collage medium, Glad Wrap cling film

On the ones I gave away the images were surrounded by a border of pearls, which I aged with some antique gold wax, so there's all kinds of things you can do with these.

Thanks for calling in.


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